A global production Network of Suiden
We have established the manufacturing factories not only in Japan but also overseas. We also opened our sales offices throughout Japan to meet the customer’s needs.
Tottori Factory
This is the main manufacturing factory in Japan for the Suiden products. It mainly manufactures vacuum cleaners, hot-air dryers, and spot coolers.
Nara Factory / Nara Warehouse
This facility is in charge of product development, product inspection, and die making.
Nara factory is also headquarter for production division that controls the production system globally.
Kyoto Products Distribution Center
This is a computer-based distribution center that takes charge of the management of the products manufactured overseas. It also sends the products all over Japan.
Taiwan Suiden Co., Ltd.
This factory manufactures industrial fans and motors, the latter of which are supplied to other factories.
Dongguan Suiden Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
This factory is growing rapidly by increasing its capacity to manufacture a variety of products. It is also selling the Suiden products including imported ones from Japan to the Chinese market.
Dongguan Suiden Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Shanghai office
This is the sales office in charge of selling the products to the Chinese market.
Suiden (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
This is a sales office in charge of selling the products to the Thai market.
Suiden Okamoto Blower Co., Ltd.
This factory manufactures an industrial blower from small to large sizes. It is also capable of manufacturing custom-made products such as having a heat resistance, explosion protection, or corrosion resistance.